Fostering Digital and Social Inclusion in Hybrid Workplaces

Today’s hybrid workplace must be implemented strategically, using modern HR technologies and approaches that foster connection, collaboration, and employee engagement.

About the Project

STAY CONNECTED aims to assist managers, team leaders, and HR professionals in gaining skills and knowledge to integrate and support hybrid work models so as to ensure the inclusion of all employees from both a digital and social perspective while maintaining and enhancing team motivation.

Training Resources and Materials

STAY CONNECTED provides an innovative package of resources for companies in the form of:

A toolkit on hybrid work for HR Managers and Professionals

An e-learning platform designed as a “one-stop-shop” providing instant access to a full suite of gamified learning resources, digital resources, OERs, research, articles, and tools

Training programme promoting digital well-being, connectivity and social inclusion in hybrid work contexts

 Resources will be developed over the period May 2024 and February 2025.

Partner Section

The project team behind STAY CONNECTED brings together seven organisations from Bulgaria, Ireland, Greece, Cyprus,  Spain and Portugal.


As a project team we are working through this Erasmus+ project to create training and workplace resources for:

HR professionals

Team leaders

Heads of Departments and Units

VET trainers


Research Results

The resources developed will be suitable for those working in any type of company and across all business sectors.

Make a contribution to the STAY CONNECTED project

There is an open invitation throughout the lifetime of the project for members of the VET and Business community to join the STAY CONNECTED Committees. The members of these committees will work with the local project partners to inform, shape, test and evaluate the work-place resources and training materials of the project. If you have time and expertise to share, we would love to hear from you.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

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